Yes Casting Directors know they can find you on AADB, but if you bring along a printed resume, it goes to show you are prepared and want to be remembered.

When you walk into an audition and present the Casting person with a resume, he will definitely  look through it, especially if it’s neatly organised and just a page or 2. This not only gives you a chance to tell him more about the roles you have done, it helps to imprint into the Casting person’s mind who you are.

I know we are in a tech age whereby everything can be found online, but the casting process is still a little behind. When the Casting person sits down with his shortlist with the Director, it always helps that he is armed with your resume. If the Director likes the audition, he will want to find out more about you and this is the part where the Casting person is able to whip out your resume super quickly and present it to the director. This further imprints who you are in their minds.

If you think the Director will wait while the Casting person pulls out your file online, he wont.

The online profile is for the Casting person to find you. If you cant be found on AADB, it would be difficult to even get you into the audition room right?

So help the Casting person by bringing along your resume the next time you audition. He will remember you.

Tip : On your own profile page, simply click “Printer Friendly” and viola!

Print your most current profile anytime and impress the team!